Become a Brand Representative

Get paid per new referral! Start marketing and earning cash today, by creating an account below.

* Full Name:

Required. Full Name cannot be longer than 40 characters. Full Name is required to be at least 5 characters.

* Phone Number:


* Create Your Own Crunchbutton Referral Code:

Required. Code cannot be longer than 40 characters. Codes must be at least 5 characters.
You'll use this in marketing.

* School:


Congratulations, we’ve created your account! Your username is {{rep.username}}. We’ve texted you login instructions to log into your account so you can get paid.

Want to request some marketing materials? Fill out the info below!

Fill out your mailing address & email address below so we can send you marketing materials & marketing tips (optional, but strongly encouraged).

Mailing Address:

Email Address:
