Payment Information

  • "Legal Name (as it appears on your checks):
    Required. Name cannot be longer than 250 characters.
  • Social Security Number/EIN:
    Required. Invalid Number. Please use the format: 000-00-0000.
  • Address:
  • Date of Birth (YYYY-MM-DD):
    Enter a valid format (YYYY-MM-DD)
  • * After saving this form, you'll need to enter your Bank Account information below so we can pay you

    By entering your payment information, you agree to the Stripe Connected Account Agreement which allows us to send money directly to your bank account.

Bank Account


  • Account Number:
    This is NOT your debit card number - it's the long number from your checks - see below
  • Routing Number:
  • You must save the "Basic Information" form before save the Bank Account Information.
  • Test account
  • Processing

  • Most banks have your Account and Routing numbers ONLINE in your Account Information section.